Managing Life in a Pandemic

(Ways to Organize Yourself During Remote Learning)


My name is Jessica Mejia and I am a student who is learning and doing school during this COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this I have needed to learn how stay organized and try my best to keep up with all my assignment and work. I know many students are struggling with staying organized, so I am going to share my tips and tricks and hope they help you too!

Tip #1: What classes to do first?

In my expierience, it's better to do the classes you struggle the most with first. If you do the classes that are harder for you first it'll be easier and faster for you to later get through all your other classes. It also gives you motivation to do the classes you struggle with first since you can look forward to those easier classes you know you understand. What if I don't struggle with any classes? First of all lucky for you, but since you don't find any classes hard, you should focus on what classes give you the most work first. For example, if you have two classes that gave you projects for the week, it wouldn't make sense to leave those two classes until the end, so I would recond to do the classes based on the amoutn of work you have for that day or week.

Tip #2: How to manage the Workload

I know one reason why I was first stressed when online school started was the amount of work we were getting and being scared of how much it was and thinking I couldn't manage, but I've learned how and will now share this with you. I know some teachers just give all the work for the week in the beginning of the week with a calender, so you have an idea of when you should be completing things, while others post a calender with a timeline and post the work day by day and expect i to be turned in that same day. Well, in my experience depending on the day and the amount of assigned work due THAT DAY it can be stressful, so if some of your teachers post work in the beginning of the week due on Sunday or Friday and you know you have time to do it ANOTHER DAY it it fine to not do some work for your sake. Now I'm not recommending you do this all the time just when you have a lot of work. Remember you can also talk to some of your teachers and maybe ask for an extension if you need one.

Tip #3: How to not be STRESSED

Now you might be asking yourself what does being stressed have to do with staying organized? Well, being stressed can cause you to become disorganized and a lot of other things. I know it's hard for everyone now to learn from home BUT if you're feeling stressed I really suggest taking a break, if you work stressed you usually don't remeber what you learned and it'll be even harder for you later. Not everyone handles stress the same way, so find something that helps you weather that's coloring or wating a show whatever works for you, it'll be better in the long run.